We strive to bring quality training, workshops, events for our hardworking Caregivers at a low to no cost.
You can show your support for our work by making a direct donation.
With your donation you can receive custom merchadise.
The proceeds of which will support our overall mission.

Ahe hee'
for your support! 

Direct Donation 

The So' Tsoh Foundation is an approved 501(c)3 Non Profit program.
EIN# 8533-86-337

You can scan this QR Code with your phone for a direct donation.

Our SHop 

With your donation you can also receive a gift below

Superheor caregiver shirt

I'm a superhero cleverly disguised as a Caregiver. Caregivers da shi hero, yeegho dabidziil...translated Caregivers are my hero, they are very strong. 

Superhero Caregiver Shirt
Caregiver sheild shirt

Dine Caregiver Support Aa'awholyani ba hozho nahasdlii'...translated Dine Caregiver Support, brining harmony to our Caregivers. 

Superhero Caregiver Shirt
Creative Design

Support our efforts with our cup, double sided. Dine Caregivers Support Aa'awholyani ba hozho nahasdlii'...translated Dine Caregiver Support, bringing harmony to our Caregivers. 

Rezzie cakes

You can have some delicious organic blue corncup cakes. Made with love and care to support our Caregivers.